High School Art Projects: 40 Creative Ways to Explore Your Interests and Spend Time

Are you a high school student looking for new ways to unleash your creativity and express yourself through art? Whether you're passionate about painting, drawing, sculpture, mixed media, or digital art, you're in for a treat! In this blog post, we've curated 40 exciting and diverse high school art projects.

These projects are designed to help you develop your critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and visual communication abilities while having fun and exploring your artistic talents. So grab your favorite art supplies, get ready to experiment, and let's dive in!

high school art projects

Why Should You Pursue High School Art Projects?

They’re Practical

It’s true for everyone’s personal and professional lives—things go wrong! 

No matter how much planning and how many hours a person puts into their work, unexpected problems will interfere. High schools prepare students very well with structure and organization skills for the future, but if—no, when—something disrupts these students’ futures, only a few will have the flexibility to adapt to the situation. However, this strength can be learned early on if students engage in creative high school art projects.

Creativity is High in Demand

Adaptability, resilience, and the ability to interpret problems in multiple ways—are all uncommon yet valuable leadership skills that students can start building as early as in high school! Especially given the recent COVID-19 pandemic, companies look for these traits now more than ever!

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High School Art Projects: 40 Ways to Explore Your Interests and Spend Time

Regardless of the professional avenue that you pursue in the future, creativity will make you stand out positively and make difficult decisions throughout your lifetime! To help you develop this skill, below are 40 high school art projects you can pursue during high school for work and for pleasure!

Long-Term Projects:

  1. Record a movie or documentary! 

  2.  Create an online portfolio of your work! This can include a blog website with your resume, hobbies, reference letters, and more!

  3.  Start an interview or podcast series and publicize it! A podcast lets you share your genuine views and personal experiences with an issue. You can also network with experts in the field of the podcast and invite them to share their thoughts!

  4.  Start a personal blog or vlog series!

  5.  Write a book or a novel! 

  6.  Create a shareable cookbook! Include sections for main dishes, sides, and desserts! Add pictures of your final products and donate or sell copies of your cookbook!

  7.  Arrange a conference or event for others to share their work in a field of your choice! For instance, if you love spoken word poetry, organize a conference for the public to share their work with one another! This is a great way to learn leadership skills while boosting your resume in a field you enjoy!

  8.  Raise awareness for your favorite subject using social media! Write informal, aesthetic Instagram posts periodically to educate and engage your audience!

  9.  Create an online database with learning materials about a subject of your interest! For example, create a website with a free curriculum to teach users how to write better fiction!

  10.  Teach your area of interest through live sessions! If you love math, offer tutoring! If you play an instrument, give affordable private lessons to beginners! If you’re dedicated to a sport, coach younger students!

Fun and Games:

  1. Create a puzzle!

  2. Create and try out an escape room!

  3. Design a T-Shirt! Creating merchandise is a fun and effective way to market your brand or organization! Use websites such as Custom Ink and Canva!

  4. Create a word search!

  5. Arrange and perform a puppet show!


  1. Make an infographic about a topic you enjoy!

  2. Make a graphic organizer!

  3. Write a timeline! This also helps you study for history tests!

  4. Write a detailed instruction manual and test it out with a friend! For example, explain how to set up a specific chair in a bulleted list of steps. See if your friend can successfully complete the task only given the manual!

  5. Organize information in a spreadsheet!

  6. Create and deliver a slideshow presentation!

  7. Make a website about a unique interest of yours! For example, if you enjoy theatre, write about your behind-the-scenes experiences!

  8. Make a simple video tutorial! This clip can explain anything from how to create an origami flower to how to come up with a research topic!

  9. Create a trivia game on a site such as Kahoot or Gimkit!

  10. Write mock quizzes with answer keys! This is also a great way to prepare for tests alone or with friends!


  1. Write and deliver a persuasive speech to your local community!

  2. Research and write an essay about an interesting social issue! You can reach a wider audience for this essay by submitting it to a competition, showcasing it to your network, or sharing it with a community leader who has the authority to support your cause!

  3. Write a poem about a topic that is random yet fascinating!

  4. Write a fictional short story to share a message about your interest! For instance, if you enjoy exercising, write a story about a competitive high school athlete!

  5. Write a review article about a subject that you find important! Summarize the latest findings of your subject using valid sources online! For example, read several research articles about the effects of cardiovascular exercise on a certain health condition. Summarize the latest findings and important points from these sources into a review article of your own. Review articles are often a lower time commitment than conducting original research, but they provide you with a similar skillset and potential for publication!

Fine Arts and Photography:

  1. Write a jingle!

  2. Write a song!

  3. Arrange a collage with pictures about a central topic!

  4. Write and/or illustrate a children’s book! 

  5. Paint a mural on a wall!

  6. Organize a photo journal! Include sections for family, friends, nature, etc.

  7. Create a colorful poster and publicly display it!

  8. Make a comic strip about a topic of your choice!

  9. Develop an online portfolio or exhibition to showcase your photography or filming skills! 

High School Art Projects

In this blog post, we've highlighted 40 art projects that high school students can enjoy and benefit from. We hope that these project ideas have sparked your imagination and motivated you to explore new ways of expressing yourself through art. So go ahead, embrace your creativity, and have fun bringing your artistic visions to life!

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Eera B., Inspirit AI Ambassador


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