10 Great Columbia Summer Programs for High School Students

Summer is a fantastic time for high school students to explore their interests, gain new skills, and get a taste of college life. Columbia University offers a range of exciting and enriching summer programs for high school students. Here are ten great options that can help students make the most of their summer vacation.

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10 Columbia High School Summer Programs

1. Columbia University Summer Session

The Columbia Summer Program for High School Students is a comprehensive program that offers courses in a wide variety of subjects, including science, arts, business, and more. This program allows students to choose from over 70 courses and experience college-level academics while living on Columbia's historic campus.

Why Choose This Program?

This program is ideal for students looking to immerse themselves in a rigorous academic environment. Participants can take courses that aren't typically available in high school, such as anthropology, urban studies, and neuroscience. The diverse course offerings enable students to explore potential college majors and career paths, helping them make informed decisions about their future.

Living on Campus

Living on Columbia's campus in New York City provides a unique experience. Students stay in university dormitories, eat in the campus dining halls, and have access to the university's facilities. This residential aspect of the program helps students develop independence and build lasting friendships with peers from around the world.

Extracurricular Activities

Beyond academics, the program includes a variety of extracurricular activities. Students can participate in workshops, attend guest lectures, and explore the cultural and historical sites of New York City. Organized social events, such as talent shows and sports tournaments, foster a sense of community and provide a well-rounded summer experience.

2. College Edge: Summer

The College Edge program offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take undergraduate courses at Columbia University during the summer. Students can earn college credits and gain a deeper understanding of their academic interests while experiencing the rigor of Ivy League coursework.

Academic Rigor and College Credit

Participants in the College Edge program enroll in actual undergraduate courses alongside Columbia students. This exposure to college-level coursework can be incredibly valuable for high school students, both academically and personally. The credits earned can often be transferred to the student's future college, giving them a head start on their higher education journey.

Personalized Support

The program provides personalized academic advising to help students select courses that align with their interests and goals. Students also receive support from program coordinators, who assist with navigating the university system and balancing coursework with other responsibilities.

Real-World Experience

In addition to academic benefits, the College Edge program offers real-world experience in managing a college workload. Students learn time management, study skills, and how to engage with professors and peers in a college setting. These skills are crucial for success in higher education and beyond.

3. Columbia Climate School in the Green Mountains

This immersive program is perfect for students passionate about climate change and environmental sustainability. Held in the picturesque Green Mountains, this program combines fieldwork, lab work, and classroom instruction to provide a comprehensive understanding of climate science and sustainability practices.

Fieldwork and Hands-On Learning

The Columbia Climate School in the Green Mountains emphasizes hands-on learning. Students participate in fieldwork, collecting data and conducting experiments in various natural settings. This direct interaction with the environment helps students understand the practical applications of climate science and the importance of sustainability.

Interdisciplinary Approach

The program takes an interdisciplinary approach, integrating concepts from biology, geology, chemistry, and social sciences. This broad perspective helps students grasp the complexity of climate issues and the interconnectedness of different scientific fields. It also prepares them for future studies in environmental science, policy, and related disciplines.

Expert Instruction

Participants learn from leading experts in the field of climate science. Columbia's faculty members and guest lecturers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, providing students with insights into current research and developments in climate science. This exposure to cutting-edge science inspires students and encourages them to pursue careers in this critical field.

4. Columbia Writing Academy: Writing the College Admissions Essay

The Columbia Writing Academy: Writing the College Admissions Essay is a specialized program designed to help high school students craft compelling and effective college application essays. This program, offered by Columbia University, provides students with the tools and guidance needed to express their unique stories and strengths in a way that stands out to college admissions committees.

Expert Instruction

Participants learn from experienced instructors, including Columbia University faculty and professional writers, who provide insights into what makes a college admissions essay impactful. These experts share tips on structure, tone, and content, helping students understand the key elements of a successful essay.

Personalized Feedback

Throughout the program, students receive personalized feedback on their essays. This feedback helps them refine their writing, clarify their messages, and address any weaknesses. One-on-one sessions with instructors allow for detailed critiques and suggestions tailored to each student's individual needs.

Writing Workshops

The program includes interactive writing workshops where students can brainstorm ideas, draft essays, and revise their work. These workshops encourage peer reviews and collaborative learning, fostering a supportive environment where students can share their experiences and learn from each other.

Essay Strategies

Students are taught strategies for tackling different types of college essay prompts, including personal statements, supplemental essays, and short answers. The program covers techniques for highlighting personal achievements, overcoming challenges, and conveying passion and motivation.

Real-World Examples

Participants analyze real-world examples of successful college admissions essays. By studying these examples, students gain a better understanding of what works and why. This analysis helps them apply successful techniques to their own writing.

College Admissions Insights

In addition to writing instruction, the program provides insights into the college admissions process. Students learn what admissions officers look for in essays and how their writing fits into the broader application. This context helps them write essays that complement their overall application strategy.

5. Summer Immersion: New York City

The Summer Immersion program offers a unique opportunity for high school students to live and learn in New York City. With courses ranging from arts and architecture to law and politics, students can explore their interests while experiencing the vibrant culture of the city. Field trips and guest speakers enhance the learning experience.

Diverse Course Offerings

The Summer Immersion program offers a wide range of courses, catering to various interests and academic goals. Students can choose from subjects such as art history, international relations, creative writing, and more. This diversity allows students to tailor their summer experience to their passions and aspirations.

Urban Exploration

Living in New York City provides unparalleled opportunities for urban exploration. Students visit museums, cultural landmarks, and historic sites as part of their coursework. These field trips enrich the academic experience and provide a deeper understanding of the subjects being studied.

Guest Speakers and Workshops

The program features guest speakers and workshops led by professionals in various fields. These sessions offer students insights into different careers and industries, helping them make informed decisions about their future paths. Networking opportunities with experts and peers also enhance the overall experience.

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6. Science Honors Program (SHP)

The Columbia Science Honors Program (SHP) is a prestigious and rigorous enrichment program designed for high school students with exceptional talent and interest in science and mathematics. Hosted by Columbia University, SHP offers a unique opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge, engage in advanced scientific learning, and connect with like-minded peers.

Advanced Coursework

SHP provides advanced coursework across various scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and computer science. These courses go beyond the standard high school curriculum, offering challenging material that stimulates intellectual growth and curiosity.

Expert Instruction

Courses are taught by Columbia University faculty members, researchers, and graduate students who are experts in their fields. This access to top-tier instructors allows students to learn from and interact with leading scientists and educators.

Hands-On Learning

The program emphasizes hands-on learning through laboratory experiments, research projects, and problem-solving activities. This practical approach helps students apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scientific problems, fostering a deeper understanding of scientific principles and methodologies.

Research Opportunities

Participants have the opportunity to engage in research projects, either individually or in small groups. These projects often involve cutting-edge topics and are mentored by Columbia faculty, providing students with valuable research experience and exposure to the scientific process.

Seminars and Lectures

In addition to regular coursework, SHP includes seminars and lectures by distinguished scientists and guest speakers. These sessions cover a wide range of contemporary scientific topics, offering insights into current research, technological advancements, and emerging fields.

7. Summer High School Academic Program for Engineers (SHAPE)

The Columbia Summer High School Academic Program for Engineers (SHAPE) is a dynamic and intensive pre-college program designed for high school students with a keen interest in engineering and applied sciences. Hosted by Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Science, SHAPE provides an immersive educational experience that combines rigorous academics, hands-on projects, and exposure to cutting-edge research and technology.

Intensive Engineering Courses

SHAPE offers a curriculum that covers fundamental and advanced topics in various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, biomedical, civil, and computer engineering. The courses are designed to challenge students and provide a comprehensive understanding of engineering principles and practices.

Hands-On Projects

The program emphasizes experiential learning through hands-on projects and laboratory work. Students engage in designing, building, and testing their engineering solutions, fostering practical skills and creativity. These projects often culminate in presentations or competitions, where students showcase their work.

Expert Faculty and Mentors

Courses and projects are led by Columbia University faculty, graduate students, and industry professionals. This access to expert instruction and mentorship allows students to learn from leaders in the engineering field and gain insights into the latest research and technological advancements.

Research and Innovation

SHAPE participants have the opportunity to explore current research topics and emerging technologies through specialized workshops and lectures. This exposure to the forefront of engineering innovation inspires students and encourages them to think critically about the future of technology and its impact on society.

College Preparation

In addition to technical skills, SHAPE prepares students for the college application process and future academic success. The program includes sessions on college admissions, essay writing, and navigating the college experience, helping students to strategically plan their educational paths.

8. Online Summer

Columbia Online Summer is a comprehensive virtual program offered by Columbia University, designed to provide high school students with the opportunity to engage in rigorous academic coursework and gain a taste of Ivy League education from the comfort of their homes. This program caters to students worldwide, offering a flexible and accessible way to explore their academic interests and prepare for future college success.

Diverse Course Offerings

Columbia Online Summer provides a wide range of courses across various disciplines, including the humanities, sciences, social sciences, and arts. Students can choose from subjects such as creative writing, psychology, computer science, and international relations. These courses are designed to challenge students and expand their knowledge in specific areas of interest.

Expert Instruction

Courses are taught by Columbia University faculty and experienced educators, ensuring high-quality instruction and academic rigor. Students benefit from the expertise of Columbia’s renowned professors and gain insights into advanced topics and current research.

Interactive Learning Environment

The program emphasizes interactive and engaging learning experiences. Online classes include live lectures, discussions, group projects, and one-on-one interactions with instructors. This format encourages active participation and collaboration among students, fostering a dynamic virtual classroom environment.

Flexibility and Accessibility

Columbia Online Summer is designed to be flexible and accessible, accommodating students' diverse schedules and time zones. The online format allows students to balance their coursework with other summer activities and commitments, making it easier to participate regardless of geographic location.

College Preparation

In addition to academic courses, the program includes sessions on college admissions, essay writing, and navigating the college application process. These resources help students prepare for the transition to college and gain a competitive edge in their applications.

9. NYC Commuter Summer

Columbia NYC Commuter Summer is an enriching and immersive program designed for high school students who live in or near New York City. Hosted by Columbia University, this program allows students to engage in rigorous academic coursework while commuting from home, providing a flexible option for those who want to experience a taste of Ivy League education without residential commitments.

Wide Range of Courses

The NYC Commuter Summer program offers a diverse selection of courses across various disciplines, including science, mathematics, humanities, social sciences, and the arts. Students can choose subjects that align with their interests and academic goals, such as creative writing, engineering, psychology, and international relations.

Expert Instruction

Courses are taught by Columbia University faculty and experienced educators, ensuring high-quality instruction and academic rigor. Students benefit from the expertise of Columbia’s renowned professors and gain exposure to advanced topics and current research.

Flexible Schedule

The program is designed to fit the schedules of commuting students. Classes are held during the day, allowing students to return home each evening. This flexibility makes it an ideal option for students who want to balance their summer studies with other commitments and activities.

Access to University Resources

Commuter students have access to Columbia University’s extensive resources, including libraries, computer labs, and academic support services. This access enhances the learning experience and provides a glimpse into college life at a prestigious institution.

Extracurricular Activities

Beyond academics, the program offers various extracurricular activities and events. These include workshops, guest lectures, cultural outings, and social events. These activities help students build connections, explore new interests, and experience the vibrant culture of New York City.

10. CSPA Annual Summer Journalism Workshop

The Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) Annual Summer Journalism Workshop is an intensive program designed for high school students and their advisers who are passionate about journalism. Hosted by Columbia University, this workshop offers a comprehensive learning experience that covers various aspects of media production, reporting, and journalistic ethics.

In-Depth Journalism Training

The workshop provides in-depth training in all facets of journalism, including news writing, feature writing, photojournalism, multimedia reporting, and editorial leadership. Participants can choose from a range of specialized tracks that align with their interests and skills, ensuring a tailored educational experience.

Expert Instruction

Sessions are led by experienced journalists, media professionals, and Columbia University faculty. These experts bring real-world insights and cutting-edge techniques to the classroom, providing participants with a deep understanding of modern journalism practices and trends.

Hands-On Experience

The workshop emphasizes practical, hands-on learning. Students engage in activities such as reporting assignments, interviews, photo shoots, and multimedia projects. This immersive approach helps them apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing their skills and confidence as budding journalists.

Ethical Journalism

A strong emphasis is placed on journalistic ethics and the responsibilities of the press. Workshops and discussions cover important topics such as accuracy, fairness, bias, and the role of journalism in a democratic society. This focus helps students understand the ethical implications of their work and the importance of maintaining integrity in their reporting.

Collaboration and Networking

Participants have the opportunity to collaborate with peers from across the country, sharing ideas and learning from each other's experiences. The workshop fosters a collaborative environment where students can build a network of fellow young journalists and media advisers.

Access to Columbia University Resources

Attendees have access to Columbia University’s extensive resources, including state-of-the-art computer labs, libraries, and media facilities. These resources enhance the learning experience and provide a professional setting for students to develop their journalistic skills.


Columbia University's summer programs for high school students offer unparalleled opportunities to explore academic interests, gain new skills, and experience college life in a prestigious Ivy League setting. Whether you're passionate about science, the arts, business, or social justice, there's a program at Columbia that can help you make the most of your summer. Don't miss the chance to learn from leading experts, meet like-minded peers, and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of New York City. Apply today and take the first step toward an unforgettable summer experience!

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1. Summer cohort applications will be accepted until May 30.


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