Research Opportunities for High School Students: How to Get Involved in Research as a High Schooler

Are you interested in pursuing your own research as a high school student? In this blog post, we are discussing research opportunities for high school students, including tips for getting started. 

research opportunities for high school students

What is high school research? 

Research is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data, expanding on work in a specific field, and drawing new conclusions. Research helps ensure that industries, such as medicine and psychology, are able to innovate. 

More broadly, research helps us discover new knowledge. 

High school students are often exposed to the research process in school. Research can happen (on a smaller scale) in the classroom! Many high school students work on research projects at school, including: 

  • Conducting scientific research for a lab science class.

  • Writing a research paper for an English or history class.

  • Presenting research findings on an academic topic through the form of a poster or slide presentation.

These examples of high school research are introductory research experiences, but high school students can actually dive even deeper into the research process! We are sharing more about hands-on research opportunities for high school students below. 

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Why high school students should get involved in research

High school is a time for exploring your interests and discovering new passions. One avenue for doing so is through research. Getting involved in research as a high school student can provide numerous benefits.

For one, it allows students to deepen their understanding of a particular subject by actively engaging with it. Additionally, research can teach valuable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and data analysis. High school students who participate in research also have the opportunity to work closely with mentors and professionals in their field of interest, which can lead to valuable networking connections and even future career opportunities.

Overall, involvement in research during high school can be a rewarding experience that provides both personal and professional growth.

How to get involved in research opportunities for high school students

There are many research opportunities available to high school students! But for a high school student who is just getting started, it may be difficult to know where to find some of these amazing research opportunities. 

Determine a Research Field or Research Area of Interest

First, it can be helpful for high school students to think about their research interests. This will help students narrow down their search.

In which field do you want to conduct research? Online internship directories are helpful to discover research opportunities in specific industries. At Inspirit AI, we recommend this directory from Forage which helps students explore roles in technology, business, real estate, and even fashion! 

research opportunities for high school students

You can also check out our lists of research opportunities below. 

Of course, some students may be more unsure about where their interests lie. There are so many industries out there–and all of them are looking to innovate! 

Consider treating a research program as a way to gauge your interest in a particular field while cultivating useful skills at the same time. 

Don’t be afraid to try something new! As you explore, you may discover that unfamiliar topics align closely with your interests and passions!

Establish Your Research Goals

What goals are you hoping to achieve from participating in a research opportunity? Are you interested in acquiring useful research skills or tools? Or, are you trying to prepare a research paper for submission to a science competition or a research journal? 

Being clear about your intended takeaways, learning outcomes, and goals at the start of your search can help to clarify what summer research program is right for you. 

Apply to a Research Program–or Conduct Your Own Research

Once you have a better understanding of how to get involved in research as a high school student, you can then decide whether you would like to apply to a research program or conduct your own research.

Option 1: Applying to a research program: 

Many universities, laboratories, academic institutions, and organizations offer summer research programs, available to high school students. These programs typically require applications, so you will need to make sure to plan ahead! At Inspirit AI, we recommend that you start apply by January or February, which is when summer applications for most programs are typically due. 

research opportunities for high school students

Option 2: Starting your own research project (with support from a mentor or professor!)

Other students may prefer to pursue their own research projects. While this option may feel a bit more daunting, it does provide you with flexibility to pursue research on topics you are most interested in! Once you have determined your research focus, we recommend updating your resume and writing a cover letter to email to potential researchers and labs that can support you on this endeavor. 

You can learn more about high school research on this blog post.

Examples of research opportunities for high school students

If you are interested in participating in a research program for high school students, we have curated the list of exciting opportunities below.

  1. Research Science Institute (RSI)

    Program Dates: June - July

    Program Summary: RSI is a summer research program for high school students that offers an opportunity to work alongside professional scientists and mathematicians. Students engage in cutting-edge research in various fields such as biology, physics, and engineering.

  2. Simons Summer Research Program

    Program Dates: July - August

    Program Summary: The Simons Summer Research Program is a seven-week program designed for high school students to explore the world of scientific research. Students work with mentors to carry out research in various areas including mathematics, physics, and biology.

  3. Research Mentorship Program at UCSB

    Program Dates: June - August

    Program Summary: The Research Mentorship Program at UC Santa Barbara provides a highly selective summer experience for exceptional high school students worldwide. The program offers hands-on, interdisciplinary research at a university level. Each student is paired with a mentor, selected from graduate students, postdocs, or faculty, and given the opportunity to select a research project from a wide range of disciplines available each year.

  4. Research in Science and Engineering (RISE) at Boston University

    Program Dates: June - August

    Program Summary: RISE is a six-week summer program for high school students that focuses on scientific research in the fields of biology, chemistry, and physics. Students work with faculty mentors to design and conduct experiments and present their findings at the end of the program.

  5. Stonybrook Garcia Center Research Experience for High School Students

    Program Dates: June - August

    Program Summary: The Garcia Center offers a rigorous seven-week program aimed at talented high school students. The program entails a blend of formal instruction and independent research, where students can create unique research projects with guidance from the faculty, students, and staff of the Center. For those interested, the Mentor Program provides a chance to continue research throughout the academic year with the support of a faculty mentor. To enable students from diverse areas to join the program, pre-arranged transportation and class schedules are coordinated with local school boards.

Lists of research opportunities for high school students

At Inspirit AI, we are passionate about helping high school students find meaningful research opportunities. We know that the process of finding a research program can feel daunting. So because of this, we have curated lists of research opportunities and internships for high school students to get started. Check out our lists below: 

It’s time to get involved in research opportunities for high school students!

We wish you the best of luck as you begin your research endeavors in the future! For students who are interested in AI and computer science research, we encourage you to learn more about our program offerings at Inspirit AI.

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Online Research Opportunities for High School Students


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